Sunday, December 7, 2014

Winter 2-page layout

Hello There :-)

Well this evening I sit down and worked on this 2-page layout for my daughters scrapbook (I'm so behind on her book since I had planned to work on one for just her 8th grade year since this is her last year of Jr. high :-( oh well, I well get there some

So I'm going to leave you with this 2-page layout!

I used my cricut explore and cut out all the file's besides the hill's (I had cut those) and snowflakes (I used a punch for those) and the top of the page (I used a punch as well for that)

The snowman I used the *Little Scraps of Heaven* free file they had
The other cut's I found in DS
I used my dot folder and my swirl folder
Gel Pen

Until next time take care!

Heather ~